Friday, February 27, 2015

This Mom's Opinion- Dress Color Mystery SOLVED!!! Blue & Black OR Gold & White?

OK The Great Dress Debate we will all remember of February 2015! Haha! My daughter showed me this picture last night, asking what color I thought this dress was. The answer was obvious - Blue & Black. DUH! She was shocked and appalled at my answer, insisting I was totally wrong, that it was actually White and Gold! WHAT!? White and Gold? Are you Serious? NO WAY! But she went on and on about it and I was just blown away she could even THINK that! Social media soon took the debate viral and before you know it, there is a world wide color debate on our hands!
Turns out the Blue & Black Team are the winners!!! Don't take my word for it, read all about it for yourself!!!